Help Topics

Adobe Creative Cloud Icon
Visit our resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff to get started with Adobe Creative Cloud.
Instructure Canvas logo
With Canvas, Faculty can post course content, recorded lectures, YouTube videos, discussions, grades, tests and more.
Duo MFA Logo

Learn how to set up Duo for the first time, troubleshoot common issues, and add Duo to a new device.

Google logo
Use FAQ and training resources to make the most out of Google Workspace apps like Gmail, Docs, Drive and more.
Internet access

Learn about campus Wi-Fi options and set up eduroam on your device.

Microsoft Logo
Faculty, Staff, and Students are eligible for Microsoft 365 Education, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.
mySDSU logo

Find support resources, articles to most common questions, and getting started guides for my.SDSU.

SDSUid logo

Learn how to activate your SDSUid, change or recover your password, and discover campus services available with SDSUid.

VPN logo
To access SDSU campus resources remotely and securely, SDSU requires a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection.
Zoom logo
Zoom serves as the web conference service for all SDSU faculty, staff, and students.
Zoom Phone logo

Zoom Phone is a software-based phone that allows you to make and receive calls from your existing Zoom app.